
Sarvatobhadra chakra in the temple
Sarvatobhadra chakra in the temple

sarvatobhadra chakra in the temple

  • On the positive side, its the time for soul-searching, introspection and undoing of much of negative karma of the past.
  • Jupiter transiting over the Moon cause many changes in life.
  • As long as one understands the direction of the current and flows in that direction, and does not put resistance, the easier it is for him to get over the negative periods and cherish the positive ones. Understanding the esoteric meaning of the transits are important as this can tell the person what's happening in his life. It also gives result through its transit through the Guru gives good results transiting through Bhavas of which he is the Karaka i.e.,ġ1th House. I am hoping that, after covering the transits of all the Grahas, I will move on to the application of transit principles through Lagna, transit yoga, transit over natal Grahas and Bhavadhipatis, yoga of transiting Grahas with natal grahas and integrating Transits with the Dasa analysis. Given below the esoteric meaning of Guru's transit in various Bhavas from the Moon.

    sarvatobhadra chakra in the temple

    As the understanding matures, an astrologer should expand his horizon and bring in multitude of other factors, to make the judgement more accurate and comprehensive. The first step however, in understanding of the Transit is to study the results from the Moon. In addition, Nakshatra transits of the Grahas are elaborately dealt in various classics, such as Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Phaladeepika. In addition to judging the transits from the Chandra Lagna and the Lagna, there is a need to judge the various yogas forming during the transit, the state (Avastha) of the transiting Graha, any obstructions (vedha), Ashtakavarga, the transit of the Dasa and Antardasa Grahas etc. A composite analysis of the Transit both from the Lagna and Chandra Lagna gives more accurate results. The transit is equally important from the Lagna which is unique to people born on the same day, having same Chandra Lagna. Although it is customary to look at the transit from the Moon, in my view, that is done only out of convenience as Moon sign is readily known from the day of birth and is used in various matters in India even now. Grahas which are stationed in the Rasi chart and are involved in various good and adverse yogas give their results when they move through various signs during their transits. Transit is a very important aspect of Jyotish, used primarily for timing events.

    Sarvatobhadra chakra in the temple